Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Window of the Soul

Recently, I was reflecting on the idea of cleanliness - clean in body and mind. An unclean mind is a bit like a dirty window - when the window was clean, someone could look out and see the world and other people clearly, but now that it is dirty there are spots where all you can see is the dirty and muck adhering to the window. In those spots, unlike the clean areas, the scene never changes. If you allow the window through which you see the world to become begrimed by these specific forms of filth, every time you look out you will see that grime imposed on the otherwise changeable scene. Even worse is gunk on your side of the window, which you could remove more easily than the grime on the outside. Thus, if you have some interior blemish of soul or mind, you will see that blemish in others and treat it as a normal part of the human condition. So perhaps if you see a fault in all men, you should check that your own window doesn't have some gum stuck to it!