Monday, February 3, 2025

...Is Reverent

What does it mean to be reverent in a society with multiple mutually incompatible religions? One can't believe everything about all of them. Even if one does "mix 'n' match", as it were, some core idea is going to be central to your beliefs; and in a multi-culti environment, some cross-fertilization is inevitable.

Reverence starts first with respect for the beliefs of your family and community. Please note that this is not necessarily the same as your personal beliefs. This environment, nonetheless, for good or ill, affects your world view. You should strive to understand what your religion believes, no matter how bizarre it may seem to you, because without understanding you may falter on the next step. It is unlikely that everybody in your community believes exactly the same thing, and you should learn about religions and ideologies other than your own. (A book on world religions is handy at this juncture). You may find wisdom in unexpected sources. You will learn that often two people can reach the same conclusion from different premises, and different conclusions from the same premise, all while maintaining a human level of rationality. The key here is to understand that some people in your community sincerely believe and have reasons for their belief.

So after you've read up, ingested, and ruminated, what next?