Wednesday, May 17, 2023

In Defence of the Bishop of London

 During the day of the Coronation, the Right Reverend and Right Honorable Dame Sarah Mulally, Bishop of London, misspoke, saying Natharess instead of Nazareth. The bishop, considering her office and ordination, is unlikely to be unfamiliar with the name of the Savior's hometown, so it is necessary to seek an alternate explanation - and refrain from puerile mockery born of anticlericalism. The z and the th in Nazareth are both fricatives, the former voiced, the latter unvoiced. A stressful occasion such as the first Coronation in seventy years just might trigger speech errors, thankfully none in the performative speech acts - and if anybody believes that clergy never err in more frequent recitations, that person has never been next to the officiant at Mass! A pure metathesis of the fricatives would produce Natharez,  while final devoicing would change z to ss. One should be grateful that the th of Nazareth was not fronted further to an f!

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